"VAASTU SHASTRA" is a voluminous and scattered ancient Indian literature dealing with knowledge of architecture, iconography and art relating to structures and buildings. It comprise of independent works which are classified under the general heading of vaastu shastra. The word "VAASTU" has been derived from 'VAASTOSHPATI' used in 'Rig Veda' and is meant to provide protection, happiness and prosperity in this life as well as after death.
Our ancient Saints/Rishis had learnt from Vedic times how the Panch Maha Bhutas i.e. Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Sky work on human beings and their dwelling houses. They had also learnt how the solar energy and North-magnetic energy effect the destiny of people.
Rig Veda says :
Vaastshpart Prati Jati Hachasman Tvavesho Atbhivo Bhavath|
Yat Tvameh Prati Natro Jushsvshan no Bhav Dvipad sha Chatushpade||
It is prayer to Vaastu purusha and means :
"Oh God of structures and building, we are your devotees. Listen our prayer, make us free of disease, give wealth and prosperity, help the well being of all persons and animals living in the house."
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